


Monday, 15 June 2015

Farrow & Ball, it's Green!

For the kitchen, I plan to do one wall in faux brick wallpaper ( how very 70's!) and the other opposite wall in Farrow & Ball, trying to choose between vert de terre  & lichen?

My preference is the Lichen but, the other half is all about the vert de terre which seems to be the consensus of opinion. Anybody on my side & has anyone used this paint???

Sunday, 14 June 2015

All the Wallpaper!

Hi all, Well it's been a little while since my last post: I started this blog with the intention of documenting my house purchase and subsequent renovation. However, that all didn't go to plan unfortunately. After a lot of thought and a change of heart we pulled out of the property as at this time it was just too much work...... So, not one for wasting time we got straight back out there and purchased another property! This one needs a heck of alot less work  so it will be straight onto the fun bit of decorating!

I really can't  wait to get started now, fingers crossed in about 6 weeks we should be in! I have had so much time to start planning the decor that I have sourced all my wallpapers and I am ready to go!

For the living and dining room there are two chimney breasts and I wanted these to be the same design but two different colours that complimented each other. I decided on Orla Kiely 'giant stem'.

For the master bedroom, I have chosen possibly my favourite all time wallpaper, I simply had to get this one in somewhere. Sanderson Swallows.
For the guest room, I wanted something relatively neutral and this was probably the hardest to find. Eventually I found these from Missprint.

I am also hoping to use a green Farrow & Ball paint in the kitchen. As you can see I have been very conscious of making sure my colours will go through out the house. I believe everything should flow :-)
